Have Your Say
Part of what we do is giving care experienced young people a voice to change things for themselves and others. We do this in lots of ways and voice4us is our name for this. It is also sometimes called participation work. Twice a year, young people take over our Corporate Parent managers board. In April each year young people highlight the 3 main areas that other young people tell us needs improving. This is then debated and considered alongside the managers. We then agree on the areas and plan to deliver these outcomes across departments including health, employment, education, housing, social services.
2023 Priorities
Young people take over our Corporate Parenting Board twice a year. Young people highlight the areas that other young people tell us needs improving; this is usually focussed on three or four themes and underpins the Corporate Parenting Board Action Plan for the year. Every local authority has to have a Corporate Parenting Board; in Cornwall it includes Elected members (County Councillors) and senior leaders in Social Work, Health, Education, Housing and Employment. Duncan Williams represents the voices of young people at Corporate Parenting Board’s ordinary meetings.
To improve housing and reduce homelessness for care experienced young people aged 18-25.
Protected Characteristic
For care experienced to become the 10th protected characteristic in Cornwall, leading to better outcomes and less discrimination towards this group.
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support
For services to improve and recognise the specific needs of the care experienced community, as well as recognising the need for young people to have long term relationships.
2022 Transport Campaign
Last year we successfully campaigned alongside Barnardo’s for free bus travel for Care Leavers in Cornwall for ages 16-25. This is now in action and having a positive impact on young people’s lives.
How do Young People Make their Voices Heard?
Carefree helps young people influence the services they receive both nationally and locally!
Things care experienced young people do in Cornwall to influence change
- Termly group to learn about participation and campaigning and raise voices 11-25
- Social worker training
- Foster carer training
- Awena, the Virtual School shadowGoverning Body discussing education in Cornwall
- Carefree shadow board
- Cornwall youth council and youth parliament
- Housing and homelessness steering group and consultation
- Corporate parent board takeover
- Elected members briefings
- ‘It’s been emotional23’ Care Leavers event and consultation space
- Working with Cornwall’s Integrated health board
Things Care experienced young people do nationally to influence change
- Attend and present at the National Care leavers’ Benchmarking Forum up to 4 times a year
- Attend and speak at conferences like Anthropy23,
- Attend and speak to National government and charities looking for feedback and good practice across the UK- Home Office, Department for Education, Corum Voice, APPG, Become
- Carefree is a member of the Esmée Fairbairn Learning Group, where we work with many other charities who work with care experienced young people .
- https://www.catch-22.org.uk/find-services/nlcbf/7
- https://anthropy.uk/
- Cornwall’s Communities: Documentary Film ProjectCould you support The Cornwall Lived Experience Partnership to capture people’s experience of living in Cornwall- see below for information on how to get involved! We Are Cornwall’s Communities: Documentary Film Project We want to hear your story! The Cornwall
Read more Cornwall’s Communities: Documentary Film Project - Carefree meets Transport Minister to talk ‘Transport for Freedom’On Thursday, a group of care leavers and workers from Carefree met Richard Holden, Minister for Roads and Public Transport, to discuss the success of a pilot scheme offering care leavers free bus travel up to the age of 25
Read more Carefree meets Transport Minister to talk ‘Transport for Freedom’ - #EndTheCareCliff CampaignOn Day 18 of each month, to mark the age that young people are made to leave care (often before they’re ready), we’re raising awareness and taking action to #EndTheCareCliff See the link below on more information about the campaign
Read more #EndTheCareCliff Campaign
Want to change things or learn how to?
Email [email protected] or ask your PA/ social worker