Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about Carefree, please contact us using the form below or…
Call Us: 01209 204333
Email Us: [email protected]
Find Us: Carefree Cornwall, Clinton Passage, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 2AY
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Please feel free to contact us if you wish to discuss referring a young person to Carefree. You can email or call using the details above.
If you want to refer a young person to Carefree please click the button below to download a referral form and send this to [email protected]
Young People aged 11-17
We invite young people aged 11-17 years to become involved with Carefree through taking part in an Gateway Programme.
Young people can refer themselves or be referred by social workers, foster carers, residential workers & schools but young people make the final decision about whether to attend
We can only work with young people under the age of 18 years with the agreement of their social worker- we are young person centred, but we also believe in working closely with others whose role it is to support young people.
Young People aged 16+
Care leavers can refer themselves or be referred by social workers, PA’s or others.