One to One Support
Carefree work in partnership with Cornwall Council to offer a Personal Advisor Service to care leavers. We also offer intensive one to one support for young people needing additional support with their emotional wellbeing or housing.
Carefree also has a team of Separated Children Seeking Asylum support workers, who work with young people as they settle into their new Cornish community.
Carefree also provide Careers information, advice and guidance to young people on a one to one basis.
Personal Advisor Service
Carefree provides a Personal Advisor Service to care leavers, in partnership with Cornwall Council’s 16+ Team. Personal Advisors support young people aged 16-21 as they navigate preparing to leave care.
Carefree PA’s also offer an Extended Service to young people who need it between the ages of 21 and 25.
SCSA Support
Carefree provide support to Separated Children Seeking Asylum in Cornwall. Our Support Workers meet young people as they arrive and work closely with them as they settle into their new community.
Our SCSA Support Workers support young people to access education and health provision. Young people are also supported to meet other young people in group activities ran through Carefree’s Welcome Project.
Housing Support
Carefree has a team of Tenancy Support Workers who provide intensive support to young people as they move into their new home.
Tenancy Support Workers can support young people with budgeting, independent living skills and getting to know the local area.
Carefree’s Housing Team also offer support to a supported housing provision in Cornwall and advocate for better housing options for care leavers in Cornwall.
Careers Advice & Guidance
Carefree have a team of dedicated Career’s Key Workers to support young people as they navigate accessing education and employment.
Careers guidance is incorporated into all areas of our work and we also run specific projects with the aim of supporting young people to pursue their interests and ambitions.
We can support young people to access resources, training and activities based on their skills and interests.
Get Involved
If you are 17 and under, you can join one of our Entry programmes, meeting others who are care experienced,
having fun, getting support and having a say about Cornwall’s care system
If you are a care leaver, you can refer yourself to our range of activities, including art workshops,
outdoor activities and events like our annual care leaver conference.
Get in touch via our contact form, email [email protected] or call 01209 204333