Welcome to
Carefree works with young people aged 11 – 25 who are in and leaving care
Our aim is to help care experienced young people have a good life. We will do this through positive relationships, through support with transitions and through enabling young people to have a voice.

What We Do
Carefree’s work is based in positive relationships. Young people can meet others and make friends, get involved in a range of activities and join Cornwall’s Care for Change Council. We help young people to manage the process of leaving care including through the provision of a Personal Advisor service and help with careers, education and training.
Creative Carefree
Care experienced young people can get involved in all sorts of creativity with Carefree. Young people have taken part in choirs, drumming workshops, trips to theatres, writing workshops and a lot more.
Read MorePractical Living Skills
The experience of leaving care and starting life as an adult is different for everyone. Here you will find some useful advice and resources to help prepare you for living independently.
Read moreCareers, Advice and Guidance
We provide young people in-care and leaving care, who are not in education, employment or training with: key working, group work, accreditation, careers advice and guidance…
Read MoreGet involved
If you are 17 and under, you can join one of our Entry programmes, meeting others who are care experienced,
having fun, getting support and having a say about Cornwall’s care system
If you are a care leaver, you can refer yourself to our range of activities, including art workshops,
outdoor activities and events like our annual Care Leaver conference.
Get in touch via our contact form, email [email protected] or call 01209 204333
- Funds 4 Care Launch 2025Funds 4 Care has now been launched at Carefree Cornwall. Funds 4 Care is a grant for young people in and leaving care of Cornwall Council aged 16-21 years. The grant is up to £250 and young people can choose
Read more Funds 4 Care Launch 2025 - Cornwall’s Communities: Documentary Film ProjectCould you support The Cornwall Lived Experience Partnership to capture people’s experience of living in Cornwall- see below for information on how to get involved! We Are Cornwall’s Communities: Documentary Film Project We want to hear your story! The Cornwall
Read more Cornwall’s Communities: Documentary Film Project - NHS Care2CareerThe NHS has made a pledge to support the Care Covenant, and as a result is developing new pathways of support for young care leavers looking to work in the NHS or Social Care. From volunteering, training and education to
Read more NHS Care2Career
What people say about us
“I don’t think that I would be the person that I am today without Carefree… they have given me so many life skills and I have gained so much confidence. When groups are together we are just like a big family, jamming and vibing…”
Working in collaboration with

An award winning charity
Partners in Cornwall Council’s LGC award 2019 ‘Best Service Delivery’, CCB Excellence in Business Training Awards, Best Support to Apprentices – Small Business Award 2019, Diana Award 2017, WISE Welfare to Work innovations Award 2015, Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2012