Shelly Gilman

What do you do at Carefree?

I’m a 16+ Personal Advisor working alongside care experienced young people during their transition to adult life. Supporting to make informed choices around housing, education employment and training, healthy relationships, finances and being a consistent and passionate advocate for the young people I work with.

What do you like about working at Carefree?

I love the amazing young people I get to meet and equally amazing Carefree colleagues. I love that my skills are recognised, and I can use them to benefit young people. I love conversations, I love to talk and I love to listen and I feel lucky that I get to do this as part of my job! Carefree offer so much to young people!

Can you say a bit about your past experience and qualifications?

I’ve always worked with organisations that support young people, most recently for the charity 1625ip working alongside care experienced young people, finding out about what they love and getting more of that into their lives. I am a trauma informed practitioner and skilled in using therapeutic interventions. I have previously worked for a number of charities, alternative education provisions, and within local authority youth support services, including youth offending.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

My most favourite thing to do is be in the water, the freedom of swimming is huge and so good for me! I love being in nature, being with friends and meeting new people.
