Housing Pop-Up Day: Tenancy Training

At the end of April, Carefree started a pilot of tenancy training to help young people prepare for living independently and transitioning into the next stage of their lives. The day was really informative and enjoyable and involved talking about housing and what skills might be required for managing a tenancy.
The session was fun and each task were marked by a Carefree Assessor to enable them to build a portfolio and work towards an accreditation.
The session covered:
- Budgeting
- Shopping with a budget
- Cooking a meal
- Building and maintaining relationships with neighbours and Landlords
- Emotional stability in the home
- General maintenance for example finding the stopcock to turn off the water, locating fuse boxes, and some other general basic maintenance.
We are planning to follow these sessions up so that young people can work towards an accreditation that will enhance their confidence and opportunities when the time comes for them to move into independence.