Jeni Stephens

What do you do at Carefree?

Lead Youth Work Coordinator – Engagement Participation and Transition through Adolescence

I coordinate youth work activities which enable young people to build positive relationships, try new things, develop self-awareness and make positive changes for themselves and others. I also train and support our team of fantastic peer mentors who befriend and help to engage, enable and empower their peers across all our groups.

What do you like about working at Carefree?

My favourite thing about working at Carefree is the people I work with, from the amazing staff team to our fantastic young people. I love seeing young people’s journey during their time with us, hearing them recognise their achievements and support others to do the same. 

Can you say a bit about your past experience and qualifications?

Before Carefree I worked at BF Adventure where I coordinated outdoor based, trauma informed youth work activities. I have qualifications in outdoor activities including Forest School, Paddlesports and Mountaineering. I am a Trauma Informed Practitioner, have a Certificate in Education and Training and a degree in Journalism, Film and Media. I run a regular walking group with YAY Cornwall and occasionally work for World Challenge, supporting young people to work together on overseas expeditions and community projects. 

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? 

I love the outdoors and cycle everywhere that I can! I love swimming in the sea in all seasons, climbing and exploring Cornwall’s beautiful coastline. As often as I can I go on trips to the mountains (Cornwall just doesn’t have enough hills!) and love climbing and walking. I also like music, films, festivals and spending time enjoying all of the above with my partner and friends. 
