Shallal Arts Group Exhibition!

A couple of weeks ago our Carefree Arts group gathered at Krowji in Redruth for a private view of the large array of work they had created over the previous ten weeks with Shallal Arts. After sharing a final celebratory pizza the evening kicked off with a wonderful speech by one of the artists. The event was a huge success, with two artists welcoming visitors to the space, two artists serving food and drinks and the remaining two acting as guides for the exhibition. One young person bravely got up to do a beautiful musical performance for viewers at the exhibition.

The exhibition showcased a variety of work created between May and July with the help of lead artists Phoebe and Lou from Shallal Arts. Each session combined team building activities, art games, and then the opportunity to practice a different art form. The sessions also included a shared meal homemade by Kate Frame, one of our lovely youth-work coordinators.

The weeks included clay-work, mono-printing, metal work, sound art, canvas work, drawing. and movement art. The sound-art week involved creating sound trumpets out of coloured card and the movement art week involved moving to music using coloured crayons against a blank sheet to create a visual piece. The young people’s favourite week though was the clay and sculpture making session with the aim of making sculptures that would be used to create a game.

Different young people felt they improved different skills across the programme. Some young people built their confidence, others developed their art skills and love for art and a couple of young people were able to demonstrate their peer mentoring potential. Two of the young people told us that they started the group not enjoying art and not believing themselves to be artists but now enjoying drawing at home and have been invited to the Carefree Arts Residential this summer!

We are super grateful for our wonderful collaboration with Phoebe and Lou at Shallal Arts and definitely watch this space for future partnership work.
