Peer Mentoring

Peer Mentors are young people who support others to feel more confident, make friends and learn new things. They help to befriend and welcome new young people into Carefree and are role models to their peers. 

Carefree peer mentors

Are young people who have shown the ability to be kind to others and an interest in becoming mentors and role models. They are young people who have taken part in an original programme and attended groups with Carefree where they have shown the ability to help and support others and to manage their own behaviour. They take part in a training scheme where they learn about teamwork, communication skills, understanding emotions and behaviour of themselves and others, safeguarding and many more.

Their training also includes a residential where they work as a team to plan and complete activities, shop and cook for the whole group and to work together to solve problems and discuss scenarios that they may come across as peer mentors. 

During their time as trainees they put these skills into practice in groups before attending a panel interview. Our peer mentors take part in a total of 50+ hours of training and sessions with regular reviews and support from the Peer Mentor Coordinator and complete an Ascentis award in Interpersonal Skills.

Youth Leaders – before becoming a peer mentor, young people who want to develop their leadership skills are able to take part in programmes to become Arts, Sports or Activities Leaders. This enables them to gain experience of what it means to be a leader and help and encourage others to achieve. 

What our peer mentors say:

“When I started at Carefree the peer mentors were the highlight of my week! Since then I have grown as a person and I now have the opportunity to do this for others!“

“we learned about the behaviour of others and how to help people better when they go through certain things”.

What young people say about our peer mentors

“she makes sure everyone’s ok and if they are not she helps them feel better”

“they were great with helping me cooking and had a great laugh with them”

“On the first day they had a chat with me and was supportive of me being new”

Want to change things or learn how to?

Email [email protected] or ask your PA/ social worker